Joe Biden's campaign has a 'Fortnite' island


Joe Biden island in 'Fortnite'
Biden for President

If you’re running Joe Biden’s presidential campaign and want to make a last-minute push for the youth vote, what do you do? Set up a Fortnite island, apparently. Mashable reports (via Kotaku) that the Biden-Harris campaign has introduced a “Build Back Better with Biden” island map that aims to inform and motivate you through mini games. You add solar panels and efficient air conditioning to an EV factor, install 5G towers to improve broadband, and build a research facility.

To no one’s surprise, there are also conspicuous efforts to rally the vote, including a virtual polling station and signs asking you to make a voting plan. You’ll also find nods to the public images of Biden and Harris, such as a “No Malarkey Station” and a quest to collect Harris’ sneakers.

You can try the Fortnite map yourself using the code 0215-4511-1823.

This isn’t the first game-based campaign effort from Biden and Harris. They already have their own Animal Crossing campaign signs. Other Democrats are using gaming to get out the vote, too — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently used a high-profile Among Us stream to inspire voters.

Will this work? It’s hard to say. It’s coming extremely late in an election when many have voted early. And let’s be honest: it’s hard to escape the whiff of a “how do you do, fellow kids?” attempt at relevancy from candidates who’ve likely never touched Fortnite. Still, this shows the extent to which Biden’s crew is trying to court voters during a pandemic when safe in-person rallies are difficult or impossible. Don’t be surprised if candidates try more game-based voter rallies going forward, at least when they think younger voters will be receptive.

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